How To Draw a Reindeer
Ho, ho, ho-ly goodness gracious... is it Christmas already?! Maybe not but that shouldn't stop you from learning to draw a Christmas reindeer like Rudolph, or Dasher or Blitzen. Sanata has so many reindeers it's hard to keep up! On this page you will see a YouTube tutorial and a written step by step guide for drawing a reindeer easily - use either one or both!

Art materials needed:
A plain sketchpad to draw on, a sharp pencil to draw with, an eraser to rub out messy lines, a black marker pen to go over pencil lines, and a bunch of colouring pencils or felt tip pens to add a splash of colour!
Step 1: Drawing with pencil
What's the most iconic - or important - part of a reindeer's face? Its nose of course. Rudolph has the brightest of them all. Start your art piece by drawing a circle for the reondeer's nose.
Let's add some detail around the nose like the mouth and tongue. This entire section eill be the reindeer's snout, which can be a different colour from the rest of its head.
Looking very festive now, great job so far guys. The next step of our drawing guide is easy, peasy... mark out a semi circle and add a pair of eyes, with two eyebrows resting just above.
Now we can add the final touches to our reindeer pencil drawing. This will be the huge pair of antlers that point out from the top of the head and have several small twig-shapes on each one; and then below those, a pair of ears shaped like leaves from a tree. And we're done. Congratulations on sketching a Christmas reindeer!
Step 2: Drawing with pen
You know what to do by now, boys and girls. Grab a black marker pen from your pencil case or art kit and gentle trace over the pencil lines. If you have an ink pen which is quite wet make sure you keep your hand just far enough away from the lines you are drawing in case it smudges. We don't want all that beatiful art going to waste!
Step 3: Colouring in
And for the final stage of learning to draw a reindeer... colouring in our picture. This is such a relaxing and enjoyable way to improve your creative skills. Take a set of felt tip pens or coloured pencils and use reds, browns and beige colours to complete your artwork.
More animal drawing ideas right here...

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