How To Draw Food & Drink
Sketch a slice of tasty pizza... paint a portrait of a juicy pineapple... draw a dessert that makes your mouth water. Quickdraw has the best art guides for teaching children and kids how to draw food, drinks, deserts, snacks and sweets. All you need to get your little ones started is a sketchpad and some art materals.
Choose a food or drink to draw...
Drawing Food & Drink FAQ's
What food can I learn to draw?
Food, glorious food. There is no end to the different types of food and drink you can learn to draw and colour in with Quickdraw's illustration ideas and tips. There are guides for all the sweet stuff like birthday cakes, and delicious ice cream desserts. But let's balance that with some healthy options too, like drawing a bowl of fruit, with apples, lemons and watermelons. You need your five a day after all!
Are the drawing ideas for kids only?
Quickdraw's guides for drawing food, drinks and snacks is aimed at anyone who is new to art and is starting at the beginner level. These videos and photos are suitable for children aged 5 and above in the classroom or at home after school. Even mums and dads can give them a try!
Is there an easy, step-by-step guide to follow?
Yes of course. Quickdraw makes drawing food and drink as simple as it can be with a combination of written instructions and images, but also a YouTube video that's no longer than 10 minutes to watch. You can watch the art tutorial videos as many times as you like. Practice makes perfect!
What art materials do I need?
There's not much to it really. As we are only drawing cartoon-style food and drink you will only need the bare minimum stationery, which is a pencil, marker pen and a bunch of felt tips or coloured pencils if you want to colour in your illustrations. You can find out more about art supplies here.