How To Draw Paddington Bear
Learning how to draw Paddington Bear is made easy with this guide. Follow each step below to create your very own Paddington cartoon illustration from scratch - start off by drawing with pencil, moving on to inking with pen and then finishing by colouring in. This exercise is suitable for children aged 5 and above, and makes an ideal lesson for school time or at home with friends and family. Let's get drawing... and don't forget to email in your finished artwork!

Art materials needed:
A plain sketchpad to draw on, a sharp pencil to draw with, an eraser to rub out messy lines, a black marker pen to go over pencil lines, and a bunch of colouring pencils or felt tip pens to add a splash of colour!
Step 1: Drawing with pencil
Okay, first off… Mr Paddington Bear’s head. This outline of which will be covered by his infamous red hat and blue coat. So we’ll draw those outlines first.
Start with a lazy V-shape for the top of the coat, this also looks a bit like a bird flying in the distance.
We join up those points with a bendy line above, like a mouth shape.
Now for the lip of Paddington’s hat on the right.
And then, start on the face - mark out a small area for his nose and mouth.
Dead centre, a small button nose.
Just below, a crafty smile with a dimple.
Finishing his face now with a pair of tiny eyes.
Back up top for the hat. Another bendy line to mark out the thick rim.
Then the last part of Paddington’s hat.
Starting with his flooded collar, let’s draw Paddington Bear’s coat. Left side and right side.
One arm is going to be waving, and we can draw this by making the lines go up diagonally instead of by his side - imagine a branch of a thick tree growing out.
His other arm will be in a normal position, so we can curve out a shoulder like so.
Then, in the centre line we have Paddington’s duffle toggles to button up his coat. They are rectangular and attached to triangular patches.
The bottom of his coat will be open, in which case an upside V-shape works well.
In this hand, Paddington will be holding his iconic suitcase, a brown leather trunk full of… marmalade sandwiches?
Behind this, a wide pair of furry, brown legs.
To draw the trunk we mark out a diagonal square so we can show not only the front, but the top and side too.
And of course the handle, which is like the letter C on its side.
If you want that extra detail, some corner patches and Paddington’s initials - P.B. - can be drawn on too.
This odd looking shape is going to be a label hanging around Paddington’s neck - by string. If you have space you can even write a small message, or just P.B. - here too.
Now to finish the waving arm, with a little furry paw with five pawprints.
And finally, on to Paddington Bear’s tree-trunk legs. Wide thighs, and flat feet covered in fur.
Step 2: Drawing Paddington with Pen
Part two now, grab your black marker and go over the outside pencil lines like a pro.
Start anywhere you choose to, and be careful not to smudge the ink as you work your way around the drawing.
If you are happy with your Paddington Bear drawing having only pencil outlines, then you can skip right ahead to the next chapter where we colour him in.
Bear with us (oh what a great joke) whilst we finish off these black ink outlines and we’ll be right there!
Step 3: Colouring in Paddington
Part three now, the colouring in.
We are using only a few colours for our cartoon bear - a deep red for his hat; a strong blue for the duffle coat; and two shades of brown for the fur (the light brown, which can also be an orange or yellow is best used for the snout and paws. The darker brown works very well for the main body parts, such as head, and legs.
The only job you have now is to relax and enjoy bringing your masterpiece to life with your coloured pens or pencils.
Hey, that’s an incredible drawing - well done!
Thanks for stopping by, check out the full range of Quickdraw art lessons on our channel and see you next time!
If you had a fun time sketching and colouring in Paddington Bear then don't stop there! Quickdraw has plenty more drawing exercises for bears for you to get stuck in to. Try drawing a Christmas Teddy, or another famous cartoon bear like Winnie the Pooh.