How To Draw a Gingerbread Man

Hello boys and girls, today you will learn how to draw a cartoon gingerbread man step by step. The YouTube video and instructions below are easy to follow, and suitable for children as young as five to enjoy. Illustrating and colouring in a gingerbread man is tons of fun because you can get into the Christmas spirit whilst perfecting your art skills. Check it out below...

Art materials needed:

A plain sketchpad to draw on, a sharp pencil to draw with, an eraser to rub out messy lines, a black marker pen to go over pencil lines, and a bunch of colouring pencils or felt tip pens to add a splash of colour!

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 1

    Drawing gingrebread men cartoons ieasy, and always starts with using a pencil to mark out the body outline. In the image above we have drawn a circle for the head and joining this below, a stretchy circle that droops. down - this is the gingerbread man's body.

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 2

    Our gingerbread man illustration needs to grow a pair of arms and legs. You can add them by his side. Right now, he looks a bit like a turtle on its back but don't worry, we'll keep drawing!

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 3

    This is the part of our gingerbread man art lesson where the body begins to take shape. We have changed the outline of its body ever so slightly by making the arms and legs more square at the ends, remember they were round before. And also, drawing curves inside the original body circle. Now our gingerbread man looks like he's doing jumping jacks rather than being a tutle stuck in the sand!

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 4

    On to some detail from the neck down now, by using your pencil to make a bow tie and some buttons. "How do I draw these?", you may be asking. Easy peasy. A circle with two triangles facing inwards for the bow tie. And three more circles for the belly buttons.

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 5

    This is the final part of step 1 of drawing a gingerbread man - you're doing great so far.

    As you can see we have gone crazy with the details on the face and body - even giving our little cartoon a hat to wear.

    If you were baking gingerbread men this would be the part where your parents remove them from the oven and get out the icing kit. Each of these details - the smile, eyes, decorations on the arms and legs is going to be coloured white, just like white cake icing.

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 6

    Step 2 now, which means grabbing a black marker pen and tracing around the pencil outlines you drew in step 1. We only need to mark out the lines we want to keep, so that's one that goes all the way around our gingerbread man's body, and then the cake icing decorations inside.

  • How to draw a gingerbread man part 7

    Step 3, almost done now! How should we colour in this cartoon illustration? Pencils or felt tip pens is a great choice. The best shaed to use for our gingerbread man's body are orange, brown or yellow.

    For the hat, a festive red - especially if this is a Christmas drawing. To match, a green bow tie and more red on the buttons.

    Incredible work boys and girls, don't forget to share your artwork with your parents and art teacher and tell them how you did it.

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